03 Nov


Integrated Child Service Consult, in partnership with the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa, embarked on a transformative project in Arua City aimed at empowering and advocating for the rights of 400 women market vendors. The "Amplifying Voices of Arua City Women Market Vendors Project" was executed from February to May 2022, with the goal of addressing socio-economic injustices and promoting gender equality. This initiative marked a crucial step in supporting the vibrant community of women market vendors in Arua City.

Project Objectives:

  1. Empowerment through Business Skills: The primary objective of the project was to equip 400 women market vendors in Arua City with essential business skills. This included training in areas such as marketing, record-keeping, customer service, and product quality improvement. These skills were designed to help the vendors enhance their businesses and income-generating capabilities.
  2. Financial Literacy Training: Financial literacy is a cornerstone of economic independence. The project aimed to empower the women market vendors with financial knowledge, helping them manage their finances, save, and invest wisely. By understanding budgeting, savings, and investment principles, these vendors gained the tools necessary to secure their financial future.
  3. Advocacy for Women's Rights: Beyond economic empowerment, the project was committed to advocating for the rights of women market vendors. Arua City's marketplaces are vital hubs of economic activity, and these women play a central role. The project sought to amplify their voices and engage in advocacy efforts to address socio-economic injustices and promote gender equality.

Key Activities:

The "Amplifying Voices of Arua City Women Market Vendors Project" incorporated various activities to achieve its objectives:

  1. Business Skills Workshops: Workshops and training sessions were conducted to enhance the vendors' business skills. They learned strategies for product marketing, customer engagement, and maintaining quality standards.
  2. Financial Literacy Workshops: These sessions equipped the women with the knowledge to manage their finances, create savings plans, and make informed financial decisions. Understanding the basics of budgeting and investments helped them secure a more stable financial future.
  3. Advocacy Initiatives: The project team collaborated with local organizations and authorities to advocate for the rights of women market vendors. This included addressing issues such as fair pricing, access to markets, and gender-based discrimination.

Impact and Outcomes:

The "Amplifying Voices of Arua City Women Market Vendors Project" made a significant impact on the lives of the 400 women market vendors in Arua City.

  1. Economic Empowerment: By improving their business skills and financial literacy, the women market vendors were able to increase their income and achieve greater financial independence. They became more self-reliant in supporting their families.
  2. Increased Confidence: The project not only enhanced their financial well-being but also boosted their self-esteem and confidence. With their newfound skills, they gained a stronger foothold in the marketplace.
  3. Advocacy Gains: The project contributed to raising awareness of the challenges faced by women market vendors. Advocacy efforts helped reduce gender-based discrimination and improve their access to markets and fair pricing.
  4. Gender Equality Promotion: By focusing on the specific needs and rights of women market vendors, the project contributed to promoting gender equality in Arua City and the broader society.


The "Amplifying Voices of Arua City Women Market Vendors Project," executed by Integrated Child Service Consult in partnership with the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa, served as a beacon of hope for 400 women market vendors in Arua City. 

By providing them with essential business skills and financial literacy and advocating for their rights, this project empowered these women to lead more self-reliant and dignified lives. It contributed to the broader goal of achieving gender equality and socio-economic justice in the region.

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